
“Student involvement in the arts is linked to higher academic performance and significantly lower dropout rates”*

*Americans for the Arts, “Improved Academic Performance for Students with High Levels of Arts Involvement,” March 2014 

Apprentice Company

Watershed Public Theatre’s Apprentice Company is a theatre training program that runs in conjunction with the season’s programming. This immersive training program is open to adults and teens who are interested in learning more about the professional theatre process and gaining new skills in performance and production.

During the course of the program, Apprentice Company participants will benefit from a variety of experiences, including:

Monthly training sessions covering a broad spectrum of theatre skills such as script analysis, Viewpoints, Shakespearean acting, Meisner’s Repetitions and more
Hands-on production experience
Collaborate to develop additional performances and outreach events
Option to work on all productions in WPT’s 2024-25 season

…. and it’s all at NO COST to participants!

Watershed Public Theatre is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 Apprentice Company.

  • Open to anyone age 16 and up seeking to gain theatre skills and experience; high school students, college students and non-student adults are encouraged to apply
  • Student participants qualify for TN Promise volunteer hours
  • Application deadline is May 1, 2024

How to apply:

  • Submit an audition video file or link to
  • Video auditions should include two pieces, maximum three (3) minutes in length.
  • Applicants with a focus on technical theatre (not performance) should submit a resume and are not required to submit a video.

Resume and/or headshot are not required, but may be included in the application.
Submit via email to

Afterschool Instruction

WPT is proud to partner with the Boys and Girls Club of South Central Tennessee to provide weekly theatre arts instruction to youth. Throughout the school year, WPT teaching artists work with elementary and middle school students at various Boys and Girls Club after school program sites. This arts education program is possible thanks to generous support from the Tennessee Arts Commission.

Are you interested in introducing a theatre arts program to your school, community center or club? Contact to inquire about program options.


WPT periodically offers low-cost workshops featuring a roster of skilled theatre professionals from across Middle Tennessee. Join our mailing list to receive notices about upcoming workshops. Want to request a workshop on a specific theatre topic? Looking for a workshop to bring to your school or community group?

Contact with the details of your request and let WPT design your ideal workshop program!

Join our email list to stay informed about Watershed Public Theatre’s Apprentice Company and WPT events.

WPT’s Education Programs are possible thanks to support from Tennessee Arts Commission.

WPT’s Education Programs are also supported, in part, by federal award number SLFRP5534 awarded to the State of Tennessee by the U.S. Department of Treasury.